Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Diastema: The Space Between Your Teeth

Diastema is the term for any space between two teeth.  The midline diastema (space between the two upper central incisors) is by far the most common. Some celebrities have embraced their diastemas and have become part of their persona. For example…

Many people have a diastema and in most cases it may give some character, but for some they feel it detracts from their smile. With the advent of new materials and techniques patients have very conservative options available to eliminate these spaces.
In order to determine the best treatment we need to establish the etiology or cause for the diastema. The most common cause is the shape of the teeth. If the central incisors are rectangular shaped rather than ovoid this will lead to formation of a space. This is also the most easily corrected. Simply adding composite bonding to the side of the teeth will establish proper contours and close the space, and this is done without any harm to the teeth
Another common reason for spaces is a tooth size discrepancy. Simply put this is when the teeth are too small for the size of the jaw. For these cases bonding can be done to make the teeth wider, but if the shape of the teeth is good then orthodontic treatment (braces) may be the treatment of choice. There are now many esthetic options for orthodontic treatment (Invisalign, Ceramic Brackets, Short Term Orthodontics), and in some cases treatment can be completed in a few months.
Any spaces between teeth that were not previously there or are getting worse can be a sign of a problem. Gum disease weakens the support for the teeth and they become mobile and eventually spread out from biting forces causing spacing. Gum disease needs to be treated early to prevent systemic illness and tooth loss.
If you love your space and want to remain in the gap tooth club with Madonna, David Letterman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anna Paquin and Woody Harrelson, it worked for them. But if you are looking for a change or think your smile will look better and give you more confidence without the space; see your dentist for a consultation.

                                                              Composite Veneers by Salvatore Lotardo DDS

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